
Showing posts from May, 2018
Super lazy! hello everyone you know sometimes some thoughts comes to my mind that "Oh how far we evolved look around, now our heart works faster it beats faster we're developing our tummy to the next level, and our faces always glowing ... and credit goes to smartphones brightness. Umm, honestly I am also a mouse potato but in summer vacations only, But the thing is that don't you think that society becoming lazier day by day when I was on a morning walk I don't saw any boy of my age, everybody seems 60+. Now nobody is interested in sports leaving some persons. I like games,pc but.. when I go outside to play it takes a minimum of 4 hours for returning home. Actually, I am not good at sports but I enjoy it. Be active well some of my friends run 4 km continuously and I can run 1km, tell your capability in the comment section. You should do physical exercise and other activity like Zumba, swimming, yoga etc every single day. I think that if uncle darwin's theory of
Suicide! well today i woke up and read newspaper and  i was shocked after reading a part , its a news about a 14 year boy suicides  for  a little problem  from my point of view ,but maybe its a big problem for him . The case is  that he is a 8th grade student punished for bunking his school by his school  teacher , He felt embarrassed for that because he is punished in front of his all classmates (he wrote a suicide note). his parents was very gentle to him  everything is fine but he left this world because of this  problem. ,Why! his classmates will forget this incident in 1,2 or 3 days or maybe none of them would care about it. well this is not the only one case students are suiciding   for no reason..  Myself  I bullied for three  years in a school then i changed my school, simple!. Schooling is just a little but important part of life  . How many year of our life we are spending on it maybe 10 to 20 % average so have some fun enjoy this period don't take tension about it .
hey, there I am Iwdie. and I love to write and talk to others and making friend, ugh but who don't love to make friends etc...., nothing new huh! soooo I made this blog to share my thoughts, experiences and ideas hope you gonna like it. Please Follow or subscribe And leave comment